8301 W Old Murphy Rd Franklin NC 28734
Phone: (828) 349-5440
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Pet Friendly RV Park Rules

All guests must be 18 or older

Following are the rules you must abide by when visiting Deer Springs, Pet Friendly RV Park.    Multiple rules violations will result in being asked to leave.

  • Check-out is before 11:00am / Check-in is after 1:00pm.   This is strictly enforced!
  • Some of today’s rigs are HUGE, and as there is only one way in and one way out of Deer Springs RV Park, we need all departing guests to be out the main gate by 11:00 am so as not to conflict with incoming traffic. 
  • Late Departures may be charged an additional night.  
  • You must arrive and be in your site before dark or you will have to wait until morning to access your site.
  • NOTHING is allowed on the grass except lawn chairs!  No Tents, Popups, Pet Confinement Fencing, or Golf Carts!   Please, we need your help to keep the grass healthy for your visit and for our future visitors!  
  • Portable pet confinement fencing is welcome, but please do not put it on or across your site’s grass area.
  • Quiet hours are from 10:00pm – 7:00am and are enforced by our staff.  Please be courteous to the other guests staying throughout the park.    If your neighbors can hear your music, it’s too loud.


  • We are a Dog Friendly Park, but for the safety of everyone, all dogs must be leashed when in, or around, the park.  Please, do not leave your doggies unattended!
  • Pets must be pre-approved if you are staying at one of our Premium Sites.
  • Please do not allow your dogs to urinate on the grass around your gazebo.  It kills the grass and ruins it for future visitors. 
  • Unless otherwise approved, you may have 3 dogs at sites 1, 7 and 8.  All other sites are limited to a maximum of 2 dogs. This includes dogs that belong to your friends who may drop by to visit. 
  • If your dogs bark a lot, or constantly bark at people walking by your site, please keep them inside your RV.
  • You certify that your pets are up to date with ALL vaccines.
  • There are Pet Poop receptacles throughout the park, please use them. We love your pet, but we don’t want our guests to step in his poop!
  • You are ultimately responsible for the actions of your pet.  if you have a dog that doesn’t play well with others, you MUST keep him/her inside your RV.
  • Dogs must be safe and not pose a danger to guests or other pets.

Pavilion Use

  • Registered guests (only) may use the pavilion and BBQ for family functions, but you must first get management permission. You are responsible for cleaning the pavilion after you use it.
  • If you use the pavilion Bluetooth speakers, keep the sound below what can be heard in the park.
  • Fires in the pavilion fireplace must be kept within the standards of what the fireplace is designed for.  NO large fires are allowed.
  • Do not burn trash in the pavilion fireplace.


  • North Carolina strongly encourages people not to transport firewood across different areas, especially from outside the state.  Therefore, we do not allow you to bring firewood into the park.
  • Fires are allowed in the provided fire-rings ONLY 
  • Fires are for s’mores and ghost stories, not for burning trash.

Your Guests

  • Your guests must sign the park liability release upon entrance to the park. This liability release can be obtained from the park camp host.
  • You are responsible for the actions of your guests, and if your guest is asked to leave, you will be asked to leave as well.
  • You are responsible for, and promise to pay for, any damage to the Deer Springs RV Park property, or any property of the guests that you, your guests, or your pets, may damage.


  • A surge protector is highly recommended.
  • Guests are not allowed to spend the night without prior approval. 
  • The speed limit throughout the resort is 5 mph.
  • Please respect the privacy of the other guests.  Do not walk through occupied campsites!
  • No fishing in the pond, the fish are pets.
  • Fireworks and/or discharging of firearms are prohibited.
  • Please do not damage the flowers, vegetation, ground coverings, and/or landscaping. 
  • Washing vehicles and portable hot tubs are prohibited.
  • Equipment can and will fail, and there are no refunds given if components fail while you are visiting.
  • Water is turned off during the colder months or when there is chance of freezing.
  • Entrance onto park property constitutes permission for Deer Springs RV Park employees to photograph and/or video all guests while on the premises and to use any resulting media for any lawful purpose without compensation to guests.
  • Removing tires, wheels or working on your RV in the park is prohibited.
  • Guests and guests of our guests, assume all risks and danger incidental to the activity of camping in an outdoor environment including specifically (but not exclusively) the danger of being injured by insects or other animals and agrees that the Deer Springs RV Park and its employees.
  • There are no refunds for early departures.


  • Drones are allowed as long as you don’t bother the other guests.  If someone complains, whether warranted or not, you must cease flying the drone.  
  • Please fly within legal limits and know that if you crash your drone in the woods, it will probably never be found.
  • Conduct yourself accordingly or you will be asked to leave.  There are no refunds issued if your conduct is such that you are asked to leave.  

Deer Springs RV Park

Pet Friendly RV Park in Franklin NC 

8301 W. Old Murphy Rd

Franklin, NC  28734

(828) 349-5440